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Reviewing and Updating Your Estate Plan

It’s been a couple of years since I last wrote about the need to review and update your estate plan. A lot can happen in only a couple of years – marriage, purchase of a new home, the birth of a child. My particular situation involves two out of the three life events listed above. …

A True Wealth Moment

Have you ever had a moment when it seems like time stops for a second and you say to yourself, “wow…this is awesome”, or you have a wave of happiness and the feeling of being very grateful for life? I define these times as True Wealth moments.

Leaving a Larger than Life Legacy

Published by Andrew Rogers, Strategic Opportunities Associate History books are full of extraordinary people, individuals whose singular achievements transcend time. Figures like Martin Luther King, George Washington, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln; these men need no introductio …

What True Wealth Means to Me

Published by Mark Lookabill, Wealth Advisor I was reminded this past week of what really embodies “True Wealth.”

Estate Planning

Often, people believe that estate planning only benefits the very wealthy, but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s something everyone needs to engage in regardless of age, estate size or marital status. If you have a bank account, investments, a car, home or other property—you hav …

Using Life Insurance as a Portfolio Preservation Asset

We all understand that life has at least two certainties: death and taxes. I’ll add one more: market downturns. Despite the wealth of information available and excellent portfolio strategies employed, events like the subprime market and Brexit will occur and create volatility in an equity-b …

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