
Market Commentary: Good Riddance February, Hello March

Good Riddance, February The second half of February was rough, as worries over the economy, tariffs, and large cap tech weakness dominated the conversation. Here’s the thing. Yes, the year-to-date gains we saw in January have vanished, but as we’ve noted before, early in a post-election yea …

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Market Commentary: Supply Issues and Delta Variant Slow Economic Growth to 2%

 U.S. GDP grew at an annualized pace of just 2% last quarter, a marked slowdown from last quarter’s 6.7% (Figure 1). Contracted auto production sliced around 2% off growth, and concerns over the Delta variant slowed demand and the return of workers to the labor force. Third quarter growth d …

Breaking Down the Basics of ISOs

Companies have several tools they can deploy in order to retain top talent, and one that is gaining traction is incentive stock options, or ISOs. Much like non-qualified stock options (NSOs), ISOs are a form of equity compensation in private or public companies.

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